So for those who know me you will already know that i'm a little in love with Elsie Flannigan! Yes it sounds cheesy and gushy but I really do admire her and all she has achieved. She is an awesome role model and inspiration; anywho enough about how much I adore her and lets get to point! I saw over on her blog,
a beautiful mess that she has put together a project, for other bloggers to participate in, consisting of 4 simple goals, to be completed by 2011. We have to blog as we go and do a final post just before the new year. I know, 2011 you're thinking, plenty of time! There really isn't! Scarily enough we have just over 4 months to go, how quickly this year is going! So I have finally decided on my 4 SIMPLE goals, one of which isn't simple at all. It will require a lot of work, long hours, most likely a huge amount of stress but excitement too as the work will pay off....hopefully! So my first goal, the not so simple goal is....
1. To take the Poppies nationwide. For those of you who don't know about the Poppies i will fill you in! Last Summer I created these cute cream poppies using mawatta silk, organza and beads. I took them to my first ever craft fair in Falmouth and gained a commission for a bride who ended up having them in her hair and on her wedding dress which was amazing! Sitting around one night in the countryside with our dear friends, we were dreaming of the future of emme lou. Mike had the awesome idea of making them red and selling them with a precentage of profits going to the Poppy Appeal. It was such an exciting idea! With butterflies flying around my stomach I rang my local RBL in Truro, Cornwall and pitched the idea. Next thing I was asked to come in for a meeting which went really well. We agreed on prices, selling them via my folksy shop and their fund raising events and would see how they go. A year later and another meeting, that took place last week and the future looks very red!! Poppy red which has a hint of orange so I believe. New designs will be added and a few changes here and there! I will blog as I go, from mid September through the busy remembrance weeks in November and a round up before the new year! I look forward to sharing this amazing time with you and thank you Mike, one third of my creative team! You had the idea and I made it happen. I have some truly wonderful friends, let alone an amazing boyfriend who helps me with the late nights meeting deadlines and gets roped in now and again! I coudn't do it without him!
Now onto my other 3 simple goals! And these are simple...
2. Date Nights! I want to have one night a week, that is purely ours. NO phones, NO facebook! NO T.V; doing things that are silly, cosy, new and fun. Whether that be driving somewhere we haven't been before and exploring (there are so many places we haven't yet been in Cornwall) or just cooking together eating at our cute table wih a bottle of wine. Maybe even a few no electricity nights, the last power cut we had was so much fun! I want to document these nights, our nights as we have very few photos of us together, and I will make a little date night scrap book. Tonight is our first..craft night date night! I am so excited!
3. Learn to knit/crochet baby shoes and hats! my friends Choo and Colin are expecting a little cupcake in the new year, and I am going to be at the birth! I am so beyond thrilled, touched and excited that I can be there! So I have been brushing up on all things pregnancy and baby. I have these 4 months to learn and make oh so cute baby accessories. I am a tad excited!!! So i am going to enlist the help of a brilliant knitter, Clare who hopefully will teach me in exchange for cupcakes! We have to wait until the 9th September to see whether its buttons or bows! yay!
4. Go to Yoga Classes again. I missed a class, then another then too many to think about going back as I had lost flexibility. A few months of pilates and then the same thing happened again. I will go to classes, and practise at home. I have booked and paid for a class on Tuesday night! I hope my lovely boyfriend won't mind taking me! Maybe he will even take classes with me?! I can't imagine so!
So there are my 4 simple goals to complete before the new year. I am so excited and this is what I need to make my life richer and happier! Yay! I must go to get supplies for tonight!
Love emme lou x