We went to stay at my Grandmother's house that evening and, as I always do along with my sister, got out her jewellery bag containing our dreams. Whilst we were relaxing with our wine and gin and tonics, she suggested putting the jewellery in some gin to clean it up. So whilst it soaked we slept.
The next day my Grandad came to visit and we were talking about University and my latest projects when my Nan declared she had a tin of buttons in her sideboard. So with a squeal of excitement I ran to the dining room and found this...
my Great grandmother's button tin. I was so excited! Not only was this a vintage tin FULL of buttons, crochet hooks, needles and thimbles but it belonged to my great grandmother! My Nan let me keep it!
My Nan also had her mothers thread collection hidden away in a beautiful box that I have always admired but I never asked what it contained! This one is to stay with her though..but has promised it to me. Patience is a good trait to have...I wish I had more as I learnt when I took out the rings from the gin...
I am in love. Ever since I saw my Nan's engagement ring she had 54 years ago, brought from a second hand jewellery shop, I have wanted it. Not only is it absolutely gorgeous, and sparkles more than I thought possible after it's gin bath and cotton bud clean but it fits me perfectly. I tried it on and wore it for the morning, (I couldn't help it!) then reluctantly put it back in it's bag along with my dreams. Patience is not my forte. The one below belonged to my great grandmother and is my sisters...one day.
It has become a kind of tradition to end our visits with a walk along the Barbican.
We found this amazing curiosity shop down a little alley.
and this really cute store, Plymouth's version of Antropologie! You need to go!
I brought a cute owl apron for Uni.
We ate dinner looking over Drakes Island and drove home in the sunset. Cornwall is so beautiful.
I hope you had a lovely weekend!
Love emme lou x