Thursday, 28 October 2010

Keep Calm & Drink Tea

I had the best advice today. To just enjoy it. This was what my hard working, late nights and weekend CGI boyfriend told me after my panic and moan about the workload at Uni and fitting in my other commitments. He has a point. I have the kettle on, & am taking a deep breathe. My friend told me the other day when talking about the future that she was worried I will take on too much myself...I do that already. But that's just me. I love it. I love what I do and when it all gets too much I have a cup of tea and a cake (in tonight's case a lemon curd tart)  whilst scribbling a to do list and tell myself I'm doing it all because I love it. Nothing worth doing is easy.

(We Heart It)
 Talking of taking on too much I have some exciting things coming up! Will share with you soon! 
Love emme lou x

Tuesday, 26 October 2010

Making a Mess...

Did you ever think I would say that? I think being messy is ok as long as it's a creative mess...or you're ill; but even my tissues have been in an orderly pile!
Here's a view from my work room. I would say desk but the work has over spilt to my day bed, floor and bureau. It's a complete mess but I'm getting work done and it's the only way I can see everything that has to be done! I've been napping lots and trying to get a little work done when I feel up to it. It ended in an almost tantrum last night as it wasn't good enough. Maybe perfectionists shouldn't work when poorly?! 
I've cracked open the paint and glue, dug out the gum strip, masking tape, pencils and ink and got to work. I'm waiting for the page to dry before finishing it off. There's so much work to do but I'm trying to not plan and design each page before's kinda hard. I want a workbook that shows fluid ideas not designed and completed in hindsight. Even when I want a more messy look the ink splatters have to land in the correct place and smudge in just the right way.
Anyone else have this kind of issue with working? Or is it just me and my weird need for order and perfection?

Post a comment if you're the same! 

Love emme lou x

Monday, 25 October 2010

Finishing and Freshers Flu...

This week I completed my first sample of weaving. I finished it with different techniques and mounted them along with filling out notations. It was such a great feeling...but what wasn't so great was getting freshers flu and realising that I had yet to design and complete another set of samples, this time adding another metre on! I struggled through on Friday, feeling like my head was about to explode, got home, ate chicken soup and slept. I woke up, feeling like i was suffocating...due to the cold and my horrid dream...that I was, indeed, being suffocated but by tangled warp threads that I couldn't weave through! According to my tutors this means I will be a weaver...we shall see in three years time but I am thinking not!
Here is my week in photos...
My finished weave, in loom state. 

'Milling' my weave samples...aka squishing with feet on soapy foam!
I went to check out the scrap bins and look what I found! I can't believe someone threw these away! The best part as well is I got it all for free! I'm just a little excited! It's like thrifting but better. 
I am off sick today. Hopefully I will be peachy perfect in a couple of days ready for more weaving! I'm going to try and get a little sketchbook work done in between naps. Silly freshers flu. 

Love emme lou x

Saturday, 23 October 2010

Naughty but Nice Night!

I had my first Falmouth night out this week..and it was a school night! Nicole and I went to Dr Sketchy's for a Burlesque workshop with Cherry Shakewell...(not Bakewell!) and drawing.  After a couple glasses of wine and wrestling with false eyelashes for almost an hour we walked into town feeling a little ridiculous with our stiletto heels and trench type coats, in the early evening. We ordered some delicious cocktails and waited nervously as other coy burlesquers entered the club. The venue was perfect for the event and the organiser Lorraine was lovely. Cherry Shakewell made the whole workshop so relaxed and fun, starting with a little warming up and then taught us a sexy tease routine. We sat out whilst the other brave and lovely ladies got their tassels out and feeling rather left out, agreed that we'd get ours out too next time! 
We sat by the front waiting for the drawing class to our panties and heels ,whilst other 'serious' artists filtered in wearing jeans and t shirts! We had a brilliant hour or so of drawing but it got to the point where we were too drunk to hold the pencil so snuck out at the break, there's no way we'd have lasted 3 hours! 
The idea was to go out dancing....but we ended up back in the house with pizza, a cuppa tea, P.J's and New just after 10pm!  Yup we are old ladies at heart who love tea and twilight! 
Photo of Cherry Shakewell by Jodie Tapping    
 We were feeling pretty peaky at Uni the next day..good job we didn't go dancing!  

Lonnve emme lou x

Sunday, 17 October 2010

Busy Blogger

 I have been so busy since starting Falmouth. There never seems to be enough time to do all the many things I need to do let alone the things I want to do. I miss blogging. I also miss seeing friends,lounging about watching movies and my favourite shows but I caught up with them all this weekend. James is up country visiting his family. He's only  been gone three days but I want him home! It's horrid without him, the house feels so empty. I went over for dinner at friends on Friday, felt my little Godson kicking his mummy which was pretty special, then spent the weekend in the Country with our friends where I moaned about missing James, ate a ridiculous amount of food, watched trashy tv and cuddled Smoo...a lot. He broke me...I love him. I'm glad James wasn't there to see it! He's pretty desperate for a puppy!

I have some amazing friends..thank you for looking after me!

Love emme lou x

Wool Week Weaving!

I knew that starting Falmouth would be a big change from three days a week at Cornwall College, eating fat pasta, chatting and sewing; however, as much as I was prepared for it I'm still a little overwhelmed. I have thrown myself into it fully, working hard but already feel like I'm getting behind. I'm being organised and keeping on top of everything, starting as I mean to go on. Here's a little peek at my week of weaving...and it was Wool Week!

Love emme lou x

Saturday, 9 October 2010

What a week...

This week has been so busy, exciting, exhausting and amazing. We have learnt so much already in such a short time. Falmouth sure knows how to run a degree! We started with spinning hanks, dying yarn, winding cones and threading looms. I wasn't happy with my colours so gave away the blue that wasn't teal and decided that although this was just for samples, I needed to dye some more as it wouldn't match my book and theme. Yes I'm a perfectionist but I think its a good thing. So I went to the dye lab and had the huge scary room all to myself to dye up my hanks brown.
I love it already but I am not so in love with the looms. Being extremely tired when trying to thread them up is not a good idea. But I persevered (with help from Nicole and Nadia!) and  stayed later and now it's all strung up ready to weave next week! I am trying to catch up with all the house chores that have been severely neglected and the laundry pile is over flowing! I have a morning of chocolate tart making awaiting me tomorrow to take to Jo's for after knitting and dinner! 
Hope you're having a lovely weekend.

Love emme lou x

Friday, 8 October 2010

Poppy Photo Shoot...

 I had Jo and the girls over for a quick photo shoot yesterday after a long day at Falmouth. The light outside was perfect and with a backing sheet I managed to get these gorgeous photos of the girls and poppies. I am finishing up writing a blurb/article to email off for the deadline today. I hope you like them!

Thank you Steph and Mog! We are going over for lunch and knitting with Jo and her lovely family on Sunday where I will help the girls knit hats and gloves! Yes it's only their second lesson but they are super smart!

Love emme lou x

Monday, 4 October 2010

Crossing the Tamar...Vintage perfection (part two)

We went to stay at my Grandmother's house that evening and, as I always do along with my sister, got out her jewellery bag containing our dreams. Whilst we were relaxing with our wine and gin and tonics, she suggested putting the jewellery in some gin to clean it up. So whilst it soaked we slept.
The next day my Grandad came to visit and we were talking about University and my latest projects when my Nan declared she had a tin of buttons in her sideboard. So with a squeal of excitement I ran to the dining room and found this...
my Great grandmother's button tin. I was so excited! Not only was this a vintage tin FULL of buttons, crochet hooks, needles and thimbles but it belonged to my great grandmother! My Nan let me keep it!
My Nan also had her mothers thread collection hidden away in a beautiful box that I have always admired but I never asked what it contained! This one is to stay with her though..but has promised it to me. Patience is a good trait to have...I wish I had more as I learnt when I took out the rings from the gin...
I am in love. Ever since I saw my Nan's engagement ring she had 54 years ago, brought from a second hand jewellery shop, I have wanted it. Not only is it absolutely gorgeous, and sparkles more than I thought possible after it's gin bath and cotton bud clean but it fits me perfectly. I tried it on and wore it for the morning, (I couldn't help it!) then reluctantly put it back in it's bag along with my dreams.  Patience is not my forte. The one below belonged to my great grandmother and is my day.
 It has become a kind of tradition to end our visits with  a walk along the Barbican. 
We found this amazing curiosity shop down a little alley.
and this really cute store, Plymouth's version of Antropologie! You need to go!
I brought a cute owl apron for Uni.
We ate dinner looking over Drakes Island and drove home in the sunset. Cornwall is so beautiful.
I hope you had a lovely weekend! 

Love emme lou x