Tuesday, 28 December 2010

We made it!

 We woke up at silly O'clock on Boxing day to leave for the airport. Mama Mia packed us a lovely festive food parcel, and I tried not to sleep on the drive there. The journey was a breeze, all on time, and oh so simple. It didn't feel like we were travelling to see my parents, our hopes weren't high due to the week before. Excitment only kicked in when we walked through arrivals and I saw a peek of my family through the sliding doors as we went to collect our luggage. I practically leapt on them and we giggled the whole way home.
 I'll share more soon!

Love emme lou x

Friday, 24 December 2010

Knitty Nativity

I've always admired this cute little knitted nativity set at Mama Mia's house, that were knitted by her sister in law. They took a little outing in the snow today, and look oh so cute! I love how they are multi racial and all have different coloured beards. Little Jesus is even removable! Maybe I will try knitting a set next year?! 

Hope you have a very Merry Christmas...and in case you were wondering my sister made it safely to Vienna and we had a video chat last night so I feel much better! Only two days until I am there too! 
Love emme lou x

Wednesday, 22 December 2010

All I want for Christmas...

is to be with my family. To get a million cuddles, chat and laugh with them, bake gingerbread with my Mum and sister. To all be together again for the first time in over 7 months. Here's hoping my little sister will fly tomorrow and that we can get our flight on Sunday.

we heart it
Love emme lou x

Tuesday, 21 December 2010

Snow and Tears (part two)

I decided that we needed to have some fun in the snow, to make up for the fact that it has ruined our plans. I dragged a reluctant James and Emily out and we went down the road to the 'dips'. Although my boots are very pretty they have absolutely no grip so I fell A LOT! James had to get me at the bottom of the hill every time! It's kept my love of snow a little bit alive after the disappointment yesterday. We've decided to stay with Mama Mia and the family for Christmas until we fly out on Boxing day...hopefully. I don't want to jinx it. It's so strange seeing red brick houses. Granite is everywhere back home, even though this was our home for many years. We're so lucky to have James' family here, we were going to see them after Vienna but this way we get to see them for longer and have our first Christmas day with them. Plus Ray does an amazing Roast!
Love emme lou x

Snow and Tears (part one)

 Yesterday we were meant to fly to Austria, to be with my family in Vienna...but we are still in the U.K. James and I drove up the day before I flight and stayed in a hotel opposite the BA terminal. It looked promising but I stayed up most of the night on James' Iphone, checking departure timetables and the Met office. At 1am the flight before ours was cancelled but the 6.30am flight and two afternoon flights were operating. We were really hopeful and I saw a flight leave from our hotel window as we were getting ready to leave. Our flight however was cancelled just as we were putting on our boots. We had to go to Departures and Arrivals in order to get the bus to pick up the car. Heathrow weren't letting people into departures, just people crowding doors and staring at the departures screen. James checked just to make sure, ans our flight wasn't on the screen so we were advised to hang around and wait. So many people were trying to get to their families and one girl i spoke to was traveling by herself also worried about her sister flying from Dublin trying to get to  her parents as well. After about an hour James asked another information rep and our flight was on his confirmation list! We were told to try and get into Gate G and just as we were getting excited and hopeful , rushing past people, an announcement was made over the tannoy stating that all BA Short haul European flights were cancelled for the rest of the day. James checked twice with the British Airways man and with a definite no we left. I was so tired my tears were more sniffly until we got to the car and it wouldn't start. I was in floods. After a little while it started and we drove to James' mums house half  an hour away. We were (like many others) unable to get through to BA and rebook online all day. James finally managed to check flights to rebook but nothing was available at all. After speaking to my sister she helped us book the LAST two seats on a flight from Bristol on Boxing day. So so very lucky. There is hope that I will get to be with my family this Christmas after all...

Love emme lou x

Friday, 17 December 2010

Folksy Friday Mention

The lovely Fiona has featured the little mustard crochet bow on her Folksy Friday blog post. Check her out here.
I'm loving the cute sellers! Mr Wick (1) sells..you guessed it, candles! I want these banana soy bars so bad! mmmm The linen cat is sooo cute as is KikiChoo who I can't help but chuckle at, reminds me of two dear friends. Lola's room sells beautiful prints who I have been admiring for the past year.  Mozzypop, Laura's Jewellery and Girl of the 60s are all new to me too. Check out Wollies great DIY projects. Oh so cute!

I'm also a little excited as I have just sold my first item from the new collection! 
4. Emme Lou
7. Laura's Jewellery
Love emme lou x

It's Here!!

 I have finally finished designing, and creating the new shop header, editing photos and uploading stock! The new emme lou shop is over at Folksy now! Also find the shop link on the folksy badge to the right. The last day of shipping before my trip is tomorrow! Here's a little look at what's in store...

 Hope you like it!  Love emme lou x

Preparing for the Chill!

Time is going much quicker than it should be! I don't know why this still surprises me, I'm always shocked as I madly try to get everything done upon realisation but this time it's for something fantastic! I just hope the snow holds out until Tuesday as Me and James will be on a long road trip to Heathrow on Sunday and flying out to visit my parents for the holidays on Monday! We're going to Vienna! yay!! I am so so sooo excited, not only because I haven't seen my parents (and sister whose joining us out there) in 7 months but they live in such a beautiful city AND it's Christmas! I think I may burst!
I'm starting to get myself organised but have yet to start Christmas presents! My Dad was not surprised as per usual that it's left to the last minute but I enjoy creating things for others and can't wait to have a day making tomorrow. I've seen ear warmers all over the high street and online and after a uni friend knitted one up I thought I'd have a go. I've been working on Crochet Ear warmers as they're a cute alternative to hats in the cold Austrian climate! Plus it will give me something fun to do in the airport! 


 Hope you're Christmas preparations are going well! 
Love emme lou x

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

A Very Vintage Christmas

I am a little obsessed with photos. I haven't looked through my extensive collection in a while and have just opened a box full of memories and those of others. I found some photos from my mum's childhood Christmases, and my sisters and mine. Here's a little peak at my families 60s/70s, and 80s Christmases. 
Mum, Aunt and Uncle
Aunty Wendy and Mum (My mum had a blue version when I was a baby)
My Mum (pregnant with me in the red/yellow tracksuit!), Dad (far left in the awesome jumper and specs!) and her family.
A few years later....Aunts, Uncles, cousins, Me and Mum in Center(dog slippers!) and my sister's first Christmas. 

 Hope you enjoy and Merry Christmas! Love emme lou x

Tuesday, 14 December 2010

Vintage you say?!

I couldn't resist doing a little blog on the lovely vintage and Antique stores in Dartmouth! The cute vintage tape measure is haunting my little mind. It was so pretty. The whole of Dartmouth was beautiful but we were aware we were far from home, the Cornish are so relaxed! I was looking up as much as in the windows at the lovely buildings and ooing and aaaahing at all the beautiful stores, marching off with squeals of vintage! My favourite store without a doubt was Commerce. A beautiful store full of Worldly finds predominately French from linens to lanterns. I wanted everything in the store and the owner was so welcoming and we had a lovely chat!After browsing several home stores and an antique store later the fact that my purse was pretty empty made me long to go back to the castle empty handed in a teeny weeny sulk.Yes I sulked on the way back to the Castle!

Love emme lou x

Kings and Queens

I am on Christmas Break!! Yay! It is so lovely to catch up on sleep, chores and of course blogging! I am so run down what with a manic panic last week to hand in but I'm all done until the new year. I can finally share with you our amazing trip! 
So we took the boys to a...CASTLE! It was incredible. Kate and I had been staring at photos for 8 months but it didn't prepare us for how breathtakingly beautiful Kingswear was. We did a great job of finding it, through Dartmoor, across the ferry, down scarily narrow cliff roads and pulled up just as the sun was setting. The look on the boys faces was worth the secrets and stress. Not only did we have our very own castle for the long weekend but we also had the WW2 bunk house with the shower...we stuck to baths in the castle! The castle was imaculate. Fully furnished, a home away from home. Every detail was perfect from the matching china, to extra blankets and heaters. All past log books were left for us to read and the housekeeper left us some milk in the fridge.  The living rooms were so comfortable that it was only when we looked out the window or went to the staircase that we realised where we were! We felt so cut off from everyone, just us, the castle and the beautiful sea. I was itching to get into the water from the moment we turned up. Worried voices of concern kept piping up but I finally managed to scale the rocky cliff and went for a November dip. The lagoon was so clear and I felt incredible as James and our friends watched me in disbelief.
There was no computer, TV or music, just us walking, talking, laughing, playing games, sewing and eating. So perfect. 
I didn't even mind the Smoo! (the trip wouldn't have been the same without him sssssh)
 To top it off as I was cleaning my teeth on our last night I opened the door to the roof top and realised it was snowing. Such a perfect ending. Just looking back on these photos makes me just a little Castlesick. I can't wait to go back. If this little trip has inspired you check out The Landmark Trust.

Love emme lou x

Sunday, 5 December 2010

It's beginning to feel a lot like...

CHRISTMAS! What with the snow, the roaring fire, blankets and decorations. I must confess I put the decorations up before the 1st. Only a week before. I'm impatient what can I say! Here's a few photos, I can't wait for Christmas break to get crafting, finally make something beautiful for the empty wall above my sofa and hopefully some new cushions! 
 I'm manically trying to finish off a presentation, and stitching for my assessment on Thursday! A little tea and procrastination is needed now and again! Will share my little trip with you soon!
Love emme lou x