We started our Wedding planning as soon as we were engaged! We have 18 months until the big day, where we will celebrate our decade together and the start of our marriage.
So far we have a venue and photographer, which makes everything a lot less daunting (except the dress hunt!) but the biggest stress I have is organisation; alongside my degree! My time management is getting better but chatting to my sister on skype all afternoon and blogging isn't exactly writing my essay or doing contextual and visual research.
We took a little trip across the Tamar to try and find a wedding planner, filofax organiser at the weekend so everything could be perfectly filed and jotted down, out of my head, and managed before starting class again next week. We found one wedding organiser that was beyond ugly and tiny Filofaxes that were £30 upwards. So I decided to buy £4 worth of filofax inners consisting of a diary and business card insert and made one! I used an old Enid Blyton book, book rings, card, paper and plastic wallets, antique Austrian lace (that was given to me!) and needle and thread.
I love it, it has everything I could possibly need, with room to make additions and it's personal to us. I just hope I don't loose it!
Love emme lou x